Stick Welding Certification

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Stick Welding Certification
Version 0.1.0
Approval Date 2020-11-03
Document/Printout Stick Welding Certification
Required For Tools/Shops

Training Check-Off List:

Tool Anatomy

  • Parts of the welder are properly identified
    • Mode selector dial
    • Voltage selector
    • Ground clamp
    • Stinger
    • Output selector switches


  • Personal Protection Gear - safety glasses, welding helmet, welding gloves, welding jacket (or long sleeves!)
    • Do not wear clothing made from synthetic or synthetic blends.
  • No unrestrained long hair and no flowing clothes. Closed-toed shoes are required.
  • Make sure there are no puddles on floor in welding area, particularly around machines.
  • Make sure that the welding area is free of flammable materials.
  • Adjust welding screens to make sure no bystanders can be caught by arc-flash.


  • Turn on the fume extractor and position the end of the extraction arm near your workpiece.
  • Make sure no bare skin is ever in contact with the workbench or workpiece during welding or while your parts are hot.
  • Clamp a rod into the stinger by twisting the head of the stinger to tighten the internal jaws onto the bare end of the rod.
  • Adjust amperage based on weld rod diameter
  • Hold the stinger as appropriate to your weld position and requirements. While welding, edges of flux on rod should just barely not touch the base metal and puddle.
  • Treat all work as if it is hot enough to burn you through your gloves.


  • Turn off the fume extractor.
  • Turn off the machine (Lincoln DC-400).
  • Disconnect the ground clamp, coil cords and store neatly.
  • Return all tools.
  • Clean the workbench.
  • Sweep up (the floor) after yourself, and deposit slag and rod stubs in appropriate metal bucket.
  • DO NOT put hot slag and/or rod stubs in standard trash can with other floor sweepings.

Lockout/Tagout Procedure

  • Tool unplugged and plug wrapped in safe/visible location, tag filled out and posted, front desk notified.